Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part -1

inspirational message from god today god message today in hindi today's message of the day instagram god message today god's message for me tonight a message from god to you god's message for me today bible verse


God Says,

Listen to my voice . 

I will guide you where to go .

 I will make your path straight .

 I will not fail you . i love you .


God says ,

Let Peace overtake your life .

Melt your cold heart and turn to me .

I love you .


God says ,

My Child Only I can heal you .

only i hold that power .

do not be fooled by the world .

come to me .

my power and your faith can do great things .

I Love you


God says

I am listening to you . 

Don't worry about that .

Instead , i need you to live in

 the present and

to enjoy every little moment with the

people around you .

i love you .


God Says .

Stand up my child .

you are a warrior .

i created you with a spirit of power .

You will not be defeated .

Repeat after me .

I will not be defeated .

i love You .


God Says

My child i Did not cause to you suffering .

However I can help you Get through the

suffering . i love you


God says .

I am not going to let you down .

I need you to rise up .

I need you to rejoice because

you are my child and you are protected.

i love you .



God says .

Give yourself a break . it has been

a tough week for you .

i Love You .


God Says

You Have made It through a 

Very stressful month .

I need you to continue to speak me .

I will help you . Give Up is not an option .

I love you .


God Says .

Remember That my blessings are new

each and every morning .

Don't give up becau

se of a bad day , and

instead rejoice because tomorrow is a new

day with new blessings .

I love you .


God says .

Put me first in all of your plans this

week and i will make your path straight .

Rejoice Is a new week .

I love You


 tags :

inspirational message from god today

god message today in hindi

today's message of the day

instagram god message today

god's message for me tonight

a message from god to you

god's message for me today bible verse

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