Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-32

 Some people will never support you,

and that's okay. God will put total strangers in your path to get you where

you need to be.


an inspirational message from God today,  god, the message today Hindi,  today's message of the day,  a random message from god,  god, the message today youtube,  a message from God to you,      #Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday

When God gives you a dream.

The dream always be tested.


The body heals with play, the

mind heals with laughter and the

spirit heals with joy.


Dear God make me better...

My attitude, my approach,

my mind , my reactions...



You are not reading this by accident.

This is your confirmations that everything is going to be alright . God is making a way

for you right now.



Forgiveness  is not about forgetting what

someone did to you.

It's about saying to God,

I give them and the situation to you

because I know you can handle it better than I can.


People will hurt you,

God will heal you.

People will humiliate you,

God will magnify you.

People will judge you,

God will justify you.

Have faith.


A beautiful women uses her lips for truth,

her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion , her hands for charity and her heart for love. For those who don't like her , She uses prayers.


Sometimes you are delayed where you are because God knows there's a storm where you are headed. Be grateful.


Sometimes God close doors because it's time to move forward. He know you won't move unless your circumstances force you. trust the transaction. God's got you.



an inspirational message from God today,

god, the message today Hindi,

today's message of the day,

a random message from god,

god, the message today youtube,

a message from God to you,

#Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday

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