Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-36


Whenever you don't understand what happening in your life, Just close your eyes, take a deep breath and say ''God'' I know it's your plan. Please help me through it.


God has brought you through before, and he will bring you through again. Make a decision each day, to choose faith over fear.


God when I lose hope, help me to remember that your love is greater than my disappointment, and your plans for my life are better than my dreams.


You are where God wants you to be at this very moment. Every experience is part of his divine plan.


Faith is not an emotion it is a decision to stand on God's word.


Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth .


God, may my child persevere through challenge.


Dear God...

touch the people around me, keep them happy and safe. Give them, compassion and care., bless them all with Good health, Peace in mind and kindness in their heart.  Specially the one who reading this message...



It may look like your situation is never going to change, But in a split second God can completely Resolve it.


Don't magnify your problem. Magnify your God. The bigger you make God , the smaller your problem will become .


an inspirational message from God today,

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a message from God to you,

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