The closer you walk with God,
the less room for anything to come between .
Faith it does not make thing easy it makes them
As much as you want to plan your life , it has a way
of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you
originally planned.
God is not an option , He is a necessity.
Faith is the bridge between where I am, and the
place God is talking me.
Prayers is the key of heaven but
Faith unlocks the doors.
God created a void in your heart that is only his to
fill. When life become boring ,meaningless and hard. It because we have been
filling it with anything but him.
The value of persistent prayers is not that , he
will hear us but that we finally hear him .
Prayers is the most powerful weapons against troubles.
The most effective medicines against sickness. and the most valuable gift to
someone you love.
When God call us to step out of our comfort zone. He
is not calling us to be comfortable in situation. He is calling us to me
Comfortable in him in spite of the situation.
tags :
an inspirational message from God today,
god, the message today Hindi,
today's message of the day,
a random message from god,
god, the message today youtube,
a message from God to you,
#Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday